

Our Services

Our Array of Services

In our connected world, the role of system integration engineering is becoming increasingly essential. More and more systems are designed to connect, both within the system that are under construction and to systems that are already deployed.

Virtually Automated is a system integration company dedicated to adding value to your system. This value is only possible through interactions between subsystems and across systems.

Services Includes:

Wired Network

Is the fastest, most secured and reliable that allows computers to exchange data.

Media Room

With the evolution of smart TVs a media room can be expanded for multiple use and applications.

Structure Wiring

Flexible innovative technology wiring infrastructure essential
in making your home or facility “Future Ready”.

Audio Distribution

Distribution of audio to different rooms throughout your house or facility from different sources i.e. (streaming Music, Cable music, CD, I-Pod, computer, radio, etc.).

Video Distribution

Distribution of video content and sources to multiple video displays and devices i.e. (photos, streaming videos, social media, Netflix, Hulu) and many more.

System Integration

Aggregation of subsystems cooperating so that the system is able to deliver the overarching functionality. System integration involves integrating existing often disparate systems.

Wireless Network

Because of new emerging wireless devices having the right coverage and security is urgent to support the number of devices that an average home or facility will encounter.

Lighting Control System

Intelligent network-based lighting systems employed to maximize the energy savings, security and convenience from your lighting system, while satisfying building codes, or complying with green building and energy conservation programs.

Security Safety Integration

Integration of multiple security and safety components to work as one depending upon the event i.e. (electronic Lock, cameras and lighting controls, Panic Room, pool sensors, and carbine dioxide, smoke, motion and glass break detectors).

Integrated Camera System

Camera systems integrated for video surveillance from remote locations for any device (tablets, smart phones and computers) while providing data analytics.

Interactive Board Rooms

Construction or renovation of traditional board rooms to telepresence centers linking people across the globe through collaboration, video, audio, computer and interactive presentation capabilities.

Theater Rooms

A dedicated room with a projector and sound treatment used for movies in the home, but also for collaboration and interaction in business environments.

Remote Control Integration

Interconnecting different sources (cable, internet, streaming content and blue ray, etc.) and systems (security, lighting, temperature, cameras etc.) to work as one from a single or multiple remote and devices (smart phones and tablets etc.)

Energy Management

Systems to centrally control devices like HVAC units, appliances and lighting systems across multiple locations. Energy management systems can also provide metering, sub-metering, and monitoring functions that allow facility and building managers to gather data and insight that allows them to make more informed decisions about energy activities. With the rising cost of energy, we provide the ability to seamless switch on and off the grid with the use of back-up batteries & a smart panel.


Capability of programming your devices (computers, tablets, smart phones, keypad and remotes) to interact with your existing and emerging technologies from your audio/video distribution and lighting control, energy management, camera and security system, appliances and internet.

Home Recording / Video Studio

With the evolution of user-generated content, more people are creating and developing their own content from home. Having the right gear, design and acoustic is essential to any A/V Studio. Virtually Automated can design and install an in
home recording and video studio for any application.

Air Purification

Construction or renovation of traditional board rooms to telepresence centers linking people across the globe through collaboration, video, audio, computer and interactive presentation capabilities.

Wired Network

Is the fastest, most secured and reliable that allows computers to exchange data.

Media Room

With the evolution of smart TVs a media room can be expanded for multiple use and applications.

Structure Wiring

Flexible innovative technology wiring infrastructure essential in making your home or facility “Future Ready”.

Video Distribution

Distribution of video content and sources to multiple video displays and devices i.e. (photos, streaming videos, social media, Netflix, Hulu) and many more.

System Integration

Aggregation of subsystems cooperating so that the system is able to deliver the overarching functionality. System integration involves integrating existing often disparate systems.

Audio Distribution

Distribution of audio to different rooms throughout your house or facility from different sources i.e. (streaming Music, Cable music, CD, I-Pod, computer, radio, etc.).

Wireless Network

Because of new emerging wireless devices having the right coverage and security is urgent to support the number of devices that an average home or facility will encounter.

Lighting Control System

Intelligent network-based lighting systems employed to maximize the energy savings, security and convenience from your lighting system, while satisfying building codes, or complying with green building and energy conservation programs.

Security Safety Integration

Integration of multiple security and safety components to work as one depending upon the event i.e. (electronic Lock, cameras and lighting controls, Panic Room, pool sensors, and carbine dioxide, smoke, motion and glass break detectors).

Interactive Board Rooms

Construction or renovation of traditional board rooms to telepresence centers linking people across the globe through collaboration, video, audio, computer and interactive presentation capabilities.

Theater Rooms

A dedicated room with a projector and sound treatment used for movies in the home, but also for collaboration and interaction in business environments.

Integrated Camera System

Camera systems integrated for video surveillance from remote locations for any device (tablets, smart phones and computers) while providing data analytics.

Remote Control Integration

Interconnecting different sources (cable, internet, streaming content and blue ray, etc.) and systems (security, lighting, temperature, cameras etc.) to work as one from a single or multiple remote and devices (smart phones and tablets etc.)

Energy Management

Systems to centrally control devices like HVAC units, appliances and lighting systems across multiple locations. Energy management systems can also provide metering, sub-metering, and monitoring functions that allow facility and building managers to gather data and insight that allows them to make more informed decisions about energy activities. With the rising cost of energy, we provide the ability to seamless switch on and off the grid with the use of back-up batteries & a smart panel.


Capability of programming your devices (computers, tablets, smart phones, keypad and remotes) to interact with your existing and emerging technologies from your audio/video distribution and lighting control, energy management, camera and security system, appliances and internet.

Home Recording / Video Studio

With the evolution of user-generated content, more people are creating and developing their own content from home. Having the right gear, design and acoustic is essential to any A/V Studio. Virtually Automated can design and install an in
home recording and video studio for any application.

Air Purification

Capability of programming your devices (computers, tablets, smart phones, keypad and remotes) to interact with your existing and emerging technologies from your audio/video distribution and lighting control, energy management, camera and security system, appliances and internet.

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