



With the advancement of “last mile” fiber optic infrastructures, the developer must partner with a technologist that understands the last mile as well as the zero miles. With our partner VITF, Virtually Automated has the capabilities to provide innovative solutions for developers that add value to their project and a returned on their investment



A large percentage of homebuilders are offering structured wiring for homes to enhance the 'digital' lifestyles of homeowners. No longer are homes constructed with two phone jacks and one cable outlet. Having emerged as the 'fourth contractor' alongside electrical, plumbing, and HVAC professionals, Virtually Automated is at the forefront of technological convergence offering services that enable builders to sell homes faster and to generate increased profits.



Computers and the Internet are now staples of modern social and economic life. Household internet penetration has dramatically increased, and it is predicted that the consumer's increasing desire to access the internet from multiple rooms in their home will drive further home 'networking' penetration. Having a flexible infrastructure is necessary to realize the connected home.

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